Hi Mamas ! I have the pleasure of sharing with you an interview with a wonderful friend and person who also happens to be a Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Debby Noar.
I’ve known Debby for about 6 years now, after my first born child and I had difficulties breastfeeding. Not only she saved me from a lot of tears and pain but we developed a true family like friendship and love. She was also there for me right after the birth of my second child which was a tremendous help in our breastfeeding journey.
Debby is really knowledgeable about all things breastfeeding and babies.
As a Canadian Red Cross Certified CPR Instructor, Debby focusses on teaching important Life-saving and First Aid skills for families and businesses.
I’m so excited for you to get to know her too and benefit from her wealth of knowledge as much as I have.
Hi Debby ! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions for my readers and I.
I would love if you could start by telling us a little bit about you:
I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Registered Nurse and Canadian Red Cross Instructor in Toronto, Canada.
With over 22 years of nursing experience, I specialized to focus on the needs and concerns of breastfeeding families.
As a Re-certified Lactation Consultant, I worked with thousands of mothers and their newborns in hospitals, clinics and in their homes and acquired vast clinical experience to perfect my skills in breastfeeding and counselling, as well as education for new families.
As a Canadian Red Cross Certified CPR Instructor, I love focusing on teaching important Life-saving and First Aid skills for families and businesses.
What made you decide to become a lactation consultant ?
I wanted to become an LC when I returned from Maternity leave and began working as an RN on a local Toronto postpartum floor.
After having the most wonderful breastfeeding experience with my son and I saw so many mothers struggling with breastfeeding it just felt so natural to help others build confidence and see their new infants drinking well.
So I began seeking out mentors and education opportunities to put me on the right path.
Breastfeeding is important in the life of a baby from day one, please give us some insight on this topic.
I believe that every mother can learn to experience feeding her baby with confidence, with comfort and with mindfulness.
As an experienced Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) I have a rich knowledge and deep understanding of the physical, emotional and mental health concerns that new mothers face after birth. With my non-judgmental and inclusive values, I especially love to support Mums and Babes in the first tender week/s of life.
My passion is to support new parents with these concerns, answer your questions and offer practical skills and individualized care to achieve your breastfeeding goals.
Common reasons for needing an LC are:
- Latching difficulties including nipple or breast pain, frequent or prolonged feeding, positioning and attachment and a sleepy baby.
- Milk supply concerns including low supply, over abundant supply and baby’s slow weight gain.
- Breastfeeding a premature baby and/or multiple babies.
- Maternal support for: breastfeeding after a Cesarean section, prior breast surgery, engorgement, blocked ducts and mastitis.
- Reassurance that breastfeeding is going well through mindfulness and relaxation.
What are the most common breastfeeding mistakes parents make?
I don’t think that new parents make mistakes. I think there is a preconceived idea that breastfeeding is ‘easy’ and ‘natural’ and they are surprised and often upset by the early breastfeeding challenges.
Parents-to-be and new parents should invest in early breastfeeding support from an LC. Early support can mitigate some of the challenges with breastfeeding because of the knowledge and skills they can learn, early on.
I recommend LC support within the first 5 days of a baby’s life to build confidence, feel reassured and know what’s normal and what is a concern with their new baby.
I believe that every mother can learn to experience feeding her baby with confidence, with comfort and with mindfulness.
Being a first time mom is quite a challenge, how can we involve our partners in this journey ?
I have met hundreds of new parents. There are partners that are incredibly supportive and there are partners who would like to be supportive but don’t know how.
Historically, women from the family and friends would gather to support a new mother. In modern times, partners and fathers are often very invested in helping and supporting because Partners have a unique insight into the new Mama’s strengths and weaknesses, tolerance for pain and often mental health concerns.
I encourage all partners to actively learn about breastfeeding with Mama by attending classes and reaching out to professionals who can help. New partners are also encouraged to be skin to skin with their baby, especially in the early first days of life, when Mama needs a rest between feeds to promote relaxation and security for their newborn.
Besides being a lactation consultant and nurse you also teach CPR courses, can you please develop as why is this knowledge so important in our everyday life?
In my 22 year career as a Registered Nurse my area of expertise has been focused on the needs of new families and teaching new parents skills.
I became a CPR Instructor because I believe that learning these valuable life-saving skills increases confidence and awareness, not only for new parents, but also for everyone.
Practicing important skills such as CPR, using an AED and Choking sequences are designed to provide anyone with the confidence needed to respond to emergency situations.
Do you have any other words of wisdom you would like to share ?
Reach out for help early on!!!
It takes ALL new mothers a good 6 weeks to feel like breastfeeding is well established and post-partum healing is returning to normal.
It’s important for new mothers NOT to compare their situation to someone else as each Mum and baby is so unique and special.
To remember that they are not alone!!!
There is support available to help a new Mama feel empowered no matter how baby is being fed.
My passion is to support new parents with these concerns, answer your questions and offer practical skills and individualized care to achieve your breastfeeding goals.
Thank you SO much for sharing your time and expertise with us, Debby!
I know you’ll continue to help mamas across the country to feel more confident and successful in their breastfeeding journeys.
Do you still have other breastfeeding related questions ?